Week 8 Reading and Writing

I think the reading and writing assignments are going very smoothly so far! I am used to the general flow of this course since I have taken Mythology and Folklore in the past, so that experience has helped me quickly get back into the swing of things this semester. I used this assignment as an opportunity to choose a theme for my blog, and I like the look of it now. It's sleek and sophisticated, in my humble opinion, and it looks more modern than my Mythology blog did. I think my Storybook project came along quite nicely; I was really happy to find three stories in the Mahabharata that almost perfectly matched my vision for Nagini's tragic backstory and plot for revenge. For the general storytelling assignments, I think my reading notes provide a really good structure for me to adapt for my own purposes: I try to focus on the plot elements or a specific character.

            (Image Info: Hanuman statue by Bijesh babu, no changes; Source: Wikimedia; License: here)

This image of Hanuman is one of my favorites from my reading notes so far this semester. I think it captures his larger-than-life size and strength with only the sky visible in the background, as if Hanuman is far above all the buildings and trees. The colors are also really cool to look at!

Looking forward, I want to continue focusing on plot and character for my reading notes because I believe it helps me focus in on elements from the original story that I want to keep in my own retellings. I will also try to tell some more stories that change the setting to the OU campus, Norman, or the football team because that makes it more fun for me!


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