Week 8 Progress

Looking Back: So far, I am very happy with progress. I really like the Laura opens the course before the semester begins, and I like to take full advantage of that time (and the first few weeks of the semester) to get really ahead or finish the course, if possible. So far, my weekly routine is just to spend time blogging whenever I have free time in my schedule, and I know that working hard now will benefit me later on in the semester when I get busier. I have tried the new "check-in and connect" extra credit, but I also plan on doing some of the other options later on. I think my blog looks pretty good so far, and I am most proud of my Storybook website! I think the banner images are really dramatic and high-quality, which is sometimes hard to find with Creative Commons licensed images. I also really like the fusion of Indian epics with Harry Potter - the name "Nagini" was just asking for someone to make the connection!

Looking Foward: I don't think I have any changes in mind for the next half of the course; I will just continue to work as hard as I can to produce quality writing and stay ahead of schedule. I will say that in the Mythology course, I finished so quickly that most people did not have their projects up yet, so I will try to remind myself to browse through the projects later on in the semester!

(Image Info: Coach whistle by OpenClipart; Source: Wikimedia)


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