Thoughts on Assignments

Overall, I was very satisfied with the assignments and pace of the Mythology and Folklore course. Since this course is organized very similarly, I am looking forward to the continuity. I was a little apprehensive about the Storybook project for the last course because I saw so many creative examples, but in the end, I was able to learn to use Google Sites and come up with a project idea I was proud of. I have no idea what I will come up with this semester, but I plan to do another Storybook. I would also like to explore some new extra credit assignments this semester! I still want to do extra credit as much as possible, just like last semester, so that I can finish the course early. I plan to graduate this semester, so having a course finished early will give me extra time to relax and take care of any last-minute things that might come up toward the end of what will hopefully be my last semester.

(Image Info: Thinking Man by VectorToons, no changes; Source: Wikimedia; License: here)


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